Photography Projects.
Delphi, Greece
Delphi, perhaps the most sacred place in Greece, was seen as the centre of the world in ancient times. Marked by the stone monument called the Omphalos, navel, or Hellenic belly-button as Stephen Fry so eloquently puts it, Delphi is where the Oracle was placed by Apollo and where anyone could come to ask questions…
An old favorite
Visiting abandoned buildings is something I used to do a lot, but haven’t done in years. Revisiting an old favorite for the third time (Chateau Miranda, Winter Camping) was an absolute treat. It was so nice to walk around this beauty, even though it’s state of decay is getting worse over the years. Especially the balustrades…
It’s been a long time coming
But I know, a change is gonna come… Fujichrome Provia 400, Pentacon six TL June 2012, Belgium.
Home on the Amsteldijk
Kodak Ektachrome 64, Pentacon six TL. July 2008, Amsterdam.
The Green Room
June 2009, Germany. FujiChrome Provia 400, Pentacon six TL.
Greasy Monkey
Abandoned industrial buildings in Holland, a rare find. And right in the middle of a suburban area. This place was completely and entirely covered in a greasy substance. It once was a Vaseline factory and left for quite some time now, not sure how long. We were here more than a year ago. I’m sure…
The Office
I’m proud to let you know that this photo has been selected for the Art of Photography Show competition, based in San Diego, US. There will be an exhibition of the 111 selected works in the Lyceum Theatre Gallery in San Diego from August 28th until November 7th, 2010. The opening reception is on August…
Het Takkenhuis
Somewhere in Spring 2009, Belgium. A beautiful house, completely covered up by branches and leaves, this time of year. Inside its a total mess and all the layers of floors have fallen down. Ouside it looks stunning. All photos made with a Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400. April 2009.
T H E * A M A Z I N G
This has truly been the most beautiful castle I have ever seen in my life, and I have seen some stunning places… It was also quite the adventure. We first arrived on this terrain somewhere around sunset. We walked all around the forest to find an easy and quiet entrance but getting through the forest…
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