In honour of International Women’s Day on March 8th 2021, the Minerva Project of Casa Migrante is organizing an international Zoom meeting on Sunday March 7th, as well as an (online) exhibition themed: Leading Women: for an equal future in the world of Covid-19. I am proud and honoured to be asked to participate!
“Mujeres líderesas: por un futuro igualitario en el mundo de la Covid-19”
Leading Women | Mujeres líderesas

- Margriet | El Chorro, Spain | 2019 | digital
- Stefanie & Johannes | Leonidio, Greece | 2020 | digital
- Claire | Berdorf, Luxembourg | 2018 | analog
A series of photographs about climbing. A unique sport where the difference between the performance of men and women is small, and keeps getting smaller.
In this series of photographs you see three women who are lead climbing. When you lead climb, you climb out in front of your rope and your climbing partner. As a leader you look for the best and easiest way to get to the top of the cliff. This requires strength, endurance, insight and courage. Every few meters you will find a bolt drilled into the rock face to which you attach your own protection. If you don’t make it to the next bolt, you will make a fall. Secured by your climbing partner and tied in to a rope to avoid hitting the ground during a fall, you only hold on to the rock to get to the top.
Serie de fotografías sobre la escalada. Un deporte único donde la diferencia de rendimiento entre hombres y mujeres es pequeña, una diferencia que sigue siendo cada vez menor.
En ésta serie de fotografías se ve a tres mujeres escalando de primera, también conocida como escalada lead. Cuando escalas de primero, subes a la roca delante de tu cuerda y de tu compañero de escalada. Como líder, buscas la mejor y más fácil manera de llegar a la cima del acantilado. Esto requiere fuerza, resistencia, perspicacia y coraje. Cada pocos metros encuentras un gancho perforado en la pared de la roca, una chapa, a la que tienes que enganchar tu propio equipo de sujeción. Si no llegas a la siguiente chapa, caerás. Asegurada por tu compañero de escalada y atada a una cuerda para evitar caer al suelo, solamente te sostienes a la roca para poder llegar a la cima.
Casa Migrante is an organisation that aids Hispanic immigrants in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In 2017, Casa Migrante launched the Minerva Project, which is aimed to improve the emancipation of migrant women.
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