…continuation from last post
Germanness Randomness I
The second location was on my list of things to do because what I had seen of it reminded me of Beeltiz Heilstätten (Beelitz & Elstal), up to date one of my favorite locations visited. The beautiful tiles and long halls. The sereneness. This place is also very nice, and did have a bit of the Beelitz feel to it, but in a different way. This time we where accompanied by Anna Bas Backer and her friend form Argentina. Anna is an old colleague of mine who is now part of our little explorer nerd group :). Anyways, here are tha last photo’s yo.
Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400
Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400
Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400
Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400
Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400
Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400
Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400
Eastern germany, August 2008.