Photography Projects.

  • Chateau Miranda

    June 2008. Me and some friends had a really nice weekend planned of exploring some abandoned places in Belgium. On our first night away, coincidentally on a friday the 13th, we were going to do an Urbex-hotel. For me and Martino being virgins to this kind of sleepover, it was quite exciting. The location was…

  • SanatoriumS

    Apparently this place is really close to very observing villagers. People live and work right next door to this place, although its located in a very peaceful and beautiful area. It is meant to be difficult to enter, but once we found the place to get in (all windows and doors were covered by wooden…

  • Sleeping with Lenin…

    Military Base in Germany somewhere. This is my second ever Urbex hotel; sleeping at an abandoned location… We arrived here by car in the middle of the night and set up camp on the terrace of one of these buildings. It wasn’t very cold so all we had to lay out were sleeping bags and…

  • Hail to the Mother

    An abandoned Psychiatric Hospital for women. Several buildings each in a very different state. Thats is exactly what is so nice about this place. Every building has a completely different atmosphere from the inside altho the exteriors look alike. This place was also the host for a yearly get together of people with a mutual…

  • The Greenhouse

    This place is probably my favorite failed attempt of entering an urbex location. The main focus is usually to get inside an abandoned building and wander around there and hopefully seeing some nice detail and furniture or other traces that have been left behind. Although we didn’t manage to get in the main building of…

  • Beelitz & Elstal

    Beelitz & Elstal

    Something that is becoming a yearly recurring happening between me and a few friends of mine, is the Berlin Urbex Weekender. Once a year we go to Eastern Germany, do research on abandoned and decaying locations in the area and go camping. They are absolutely amazing. We have stayed at, what I can safely call…

  • Chocolate Factory

    My first Urban Exploring trip ever. Fresh off the flee market I got myself an Olympus Trip-35. Bought for a whopping €5,-. Packed with some 3200 ASA black and white film, me and some friends went to this decayed Chocolate factory to sneak in, have a rummage around and take some pictures. Seen as the…

  • Lulu’s eerste expo!

    Lulu’s eerste expo!

    In de maanden april en mei heb ik mijn eerste echte expositie gehad in de etalage van Redoble in Amsterdam. Mijn werk heeft gehangen vanaf 5 april tot uiteindelijk 11 mei 2007. Redoble is een maandelijkse culturele agenda voor Latijns Amerikaanse activiteiten in en om Amsterdam. Het kantoor bevindt zich aan de Eerste Atjehstraat 94…