A blog about photography.
July/August 2007, Me and my mother go back to Guatemala. We have not been there in nearly 10 years. A lot of my mothers family still lives there, although parts of my relatives have moved off to Ireland, The Unites States or The Netherlands, like my mother. We have a very close family, but a…
The ruins of the Sutro Baths
The Sutro Baths were a large privately owned swimming pool complex in San Francisco, California, built in the late 19th century. The building housing the baths burned down in 1966 and was abandoned. The Cliff House still stands and is a restaurant. The ruins lay on the shore of the West-Coast where the sea smashes…
Chocolate Factory
My first Urban Exploring trip ever. Fresh off the flee market I got myself an Olympus Trip-35. Bought for a whopping €5,-. Packed with some 3200 ASA black and white film, me and some friends went to this decayed Chocolate factory to sneak in, have a rummage around and take some pictures. Seen as the…
A train journey to Zandvoort aan Zee
Pentacon six TL, Agfa APX400 Pentacon six TL, Agfa APX400 Pentacon six TL, Agfa APX400 Pentacon six TL, Agfa APX400 Amsterdam to Zandvoort aan Zee, 2007.
Amstel Business Park
Pentacon six TL, Agfa APX400 Pentacon six TL, Agfa APX400 Pentacon six TL, Agfa APX400 Amstel Business Park. Amsterdam, 2007.
The Bridge
Pentacon six TL, Fuji PRO400H Pentacon six TL, Fuji PRO400H Pentacon six TL, Fuji PRO400H The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco. August 2007.
Lulu’s eerste expo!
In de maanden april en mei heb ik mijn eerste echte expositie gehad in de etalage van Redoble in Amsterdam. Mijn werk heeft gehangen vanaf 5 april tot uiteindelijk 11 mei 2007. Redoble is een maandelijkse culturele agenda voor Latijns Amerikaanse activiteiten in en om Amsterdam. Het kantoor bevindt zich aan de Eerste Atjehstraat 94…