Photography Projects.
Fontainebleau. A place in France, just southeast of Paris. Great for camping, being outside, walking and drinking coffee (or whiskey); but most of all, for Bouldering. Climbing on real rock is sooo much better than in a climbing-hall on plastic. Living in flat Holland doesn’t give you a lot of options when it comes to…
Het Takkenhuis
Somewhere in Spring 2009, Belgium. A beautiful house, completely covered up by branches and leaves, this time of year. Inside its a total mess and all the layers of floors have fallen down. Ouside it looks stunning. All photos made with a Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400. April 2009.
T H E * A M A Z I N G
This has truly been the most beautiful castle I have ever seen in my life, and I have seen some stunning places… It was also quite the adventure. We first arrived on this terrain somewhere around sunset. We walked all around the forest to find an easy and quiet entrance but getting through the forest…
Germanness Randomness II
…continuation from last post Germanness Randomness I The second location was on my list of things to do because what I had seen of it reminded me of Beeltiz Heilstätten (Beelitz & Elstal), up to date one of my favorite locations visited. The beautiful tiles and long halls. The sereneness. This place is also very nice,…
Germanness Randomness I
These are more photos taken on the germany-trip I was talking about earlier in the posts Sleeping with Lenin & Sanatorium S. The Urbexweekender in august 2008. In the mean time I’ve had another one of these weekends, august 2009, but I’m just a bit slow on my scanning and posting material… So your gonna…
On the Darkside (updated)
Ongoing project of mine. Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400 Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400 Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400 Pentacon six TL, FujiChrome Provia400 update 01/06/2010: Pentacon six TL, Kodak EktaChromeE100VS Anywhere, anytime
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